Midad Pack

Sheet-fed Offset Printing

Our commitment to quality and efficiency ensures growing success which we invite you to share.

Specialty finishing, Flexibility and speed with Exceptional final product.

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Print media with colorful and endless combinations of size, shape and type creates visuals and forms appealing to the customer. The ever-growing appetite for new brands and fresh images results in variety of work orders. Our plant has depth and flexibility to execute difficult designs and accommodate uncommon materials. Deadlines are met with minimal waste. Efficient use of the best machinery produces the best results. The facility includes 32 printing towers ,with inline foiling, inline water base and U. V. coating options


“InlineFoiler” system in a combination of foils, inks and varnish; prints high quality and authentic reproduction of metallic and other special effects with ease. The creativity of designers and marketing experts now has much more latitude for successfully positioning brands at the POS.

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